Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How to paint: Dark Angels Tactical Marine

I thought I'd write a small tutorial on how I paint my Dark Angels from the Dark Vengeance boxed set. Nothing too fancy here - if you have just some amount of control over your brush, this shouldn't be too hard to do yourself.
 I start out with a black undercoat. You could also choose a green undercoat from The Army Painter or likewise, but I've gotten used to black undercoats, and I like the fact that those hard to reach places are just plain Black - makes them harder to notice. After the black undercoat, I give most of the model a solid coat of the Caliban Green base colour.
 For the next step, I practically drench the model in Nuln Oil shade. Make sure the wash gets in to all the recesses of the model.
 The Nuln Oil makes the already dark green even darker. To make sure it doesn't get too dark, I give the flat areas a layer of Caliban green again.
 Now to the hightligts. I use Warpstone Glow for the first layer of highlights. I'm considering using something a bit darker, since the rather bright green colours make the models a little bit too cartoony for my taste. I gave the flat areas a "fake" highlight as well to make the arrow on his shoulder stand out a bit more.

 Next, I higlight even further with a layer of Moot green. After that, I apply a layer of Waywatcher green glaze, since it helps to tone the hightlights down a bit, and because it ties different shades of green together.
 For the red parts: Red base paint - forgot the name - then old Blood Red (new Wild Rider Red would propably do). Highlight with blazing orange and old GW Vomit brown. For the base, I use the texture paint Stirland Mud and drybrush a bit of light flesh colour onto it. White parts are given a layer of Karak Stone, then Seraphim Sephia wash, Ushabti Bone and finally White Scar.

 Here's the finished model - and the rest of my Dark Angels below.

Company Master Balthasar

Recently finished this model. To be honest, I am not very happy with the result. The wings on his helmet were supposed to be white, but I chose to pain them gold, because I just couldn't make the white work. Not too happy with the white cloth either. Seems like I need to practice painting white a bit more.

Since I wasn't too happy with the result, I bought a new identical model on Ebay for 10 US cents + shipping. Thankfully, there are a lot of people selling parts from the Dark Vengeance set on Ebay, so you can get guys like Company Master Balthasar for less than 2£.

Dark Vengeance!

I recently bought the Dark Vengeance Limitied Edition set. At first I intended to just paint the miniatures and sell them all on Ebay again, but I quickly came to like the Dark Angels. Something about their secretive past and the colour scheme just appeals to me. This is a picture of the first model I painted.

The paint scheme is mostly based on a guide in White Dwarf from January. I'll upload a step by step guide later.

I'll need to make the base a bit more interesting, but right now I'm focusing on getting as many marines painted as possible.

I hope you like it.


This is a blog about Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy. I am a busy student with a little too much on my schedule, so I dont get to paint or play very often.

I started playing Warhammer Fantasy when I was around 13 years old. After a long break since my late teenage years, I have now started painting again. I've always felt that the painting aspect of the hobby was most important for me. Thus, this blog will mostly focus simply on painting, though I hope I'll eventually write a little about playing and converting.

I've never actually played a Warhammer 40k game, so this blog will also focus on me getting to know the Warhammer 40.000 universe and rules.